
Showing posts from November, 2018

LAD/Blog #21: Emaciation Proclamation

Lincoln begins by stating that on the first day of 1863 all slaves are from then on free. They will be recognized as free by the Executive Government and in all states, or part of the state. He then states that they will be represented in Congress.He then goes on to list all of the states in which slaves will be free starting on the first day of the year 1863. He does this using the full power he has as Commander-in-Chief, of the Army and Navy of the United States.He warns against violence except  for self defense and says that they may serve in the armed forces. He ends by saying that he believes this is an act of justice and he is warranted by the Constitution. After World War 2 ended soldiers liberated many people that were rounded up by the Nazi's during the war and forced to work and  Lincoln freed slaves who were also forced to work and controlled.

LAD/Blog #20: Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Lincoln begins by saying that since this is his second address he thinks that his time will be better spent talking about his plans for the next four years. He then goes on to say that during his first address the focus was on an impending civil war. He talks about how neither side wanted war but that each side was so stuck on their own ideas that would would come. Then he talks about how the issue of slavery was a cause of the war, but neither side expected the magnitude of what the war would become. He talks about how both sides pray to the same God and ask for His aid. Lincoln finishes by saying that as a nation it is responsible for repairing the wounds that it has caused, so that their can be peace. In both of Lincoln's inaugural address's he talks about the importance of the Union being united whether he talking about holding the Union together or uniting as a nation after the Civil War.

LAD/Blog #19: The Dred Scott Decision

Dred Scott was born into slavery. He was later sold to the Emerson family due to financial problems of his original owners. The Emerson family brought Dred Scott with them to Illinois and the Wisconsin Territory, where slavery was considered illegal. During this time he married and had two children. After his owner died, the owner's wife hired out the entire Scott family to work for others. In April of 1846, Dred Scott and his wife, Harriet, filed suit against Irene Emerson, his owner's widow, for their freedom. Dred Scott's case relates to the Missouri Compromise because Taney rules that the Missouri Compromise is unconstitutional. Therefore Dred Scott was never free to begin with according to Taney.Taney's decision was that Dred Scott's case should not have reached the Supreme Court because he claimed that Dred Scott only had state citizenship and not national citizenship. Therefor Dred Scott did not have the right to sue the federal court because he was not a U.S

LAD/Blog #17: Fredrick Douglass's "5 of July" speech

Douglass starts by saying that that slaves and Americans are the same, and that they had ancestors fighting the same war earlier that Americans have. He says that slaves are men, and therefor should be treated that way and it is not right for Christians to watch while people are being mistreated. He speaks of how he believes that the church has in its own way, stood behind the issue of slavery and how the church doesn't take responsibility. He then goes on to say that the country does have the potential to change. He claims that the driving force behind the change would have to be the church. He says that the willingness of the country to accept the abolishing of slavery, it would have to be backed by the church before the country can change. Even though the religion is a problem, it can also be a solution. He then talks about as Americans they should be happy about their liberty and freedom, but millions of Americans can not share in that same joy. Also he claims that the U.S. was

LAD/Blog #18: Sojouner Truth's "Ain't I s Woman" speech

She begins her speech by saying that both African Americans and women are disenfranchised, and they have decided that it is time to take action. She says that men think that woman need to be helped into their carriage or helped over a ditch but that no man has ever treated her that way, even though she is a woman. She then goes on to continue talking about other things she has done, but had never been treated the like a woman. She then goes on to ask what a person's intellect has to do with their rights. She then says that Christ came from God and a woman, and that men had nothing to do with that.She then says that now is the time to turn the world right side up. Martin Luther King Jr. fought to improving the lives of all African Americans, similar to Sojouner Truth who fought to improve African American and women's rights, they both used their voices to publicly bring attentions to the injustice that they both faced.

LAD/Blog #15: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Lincoln starts by saying that he will not address topics that have already reached an understanding. He then tells Southern states that they have nothing to fear from his Republican administration and that he has no interest in messing with their peace or security. He also states that he has no intention of interfering with slavery. He then talks about how he intends to uphold the Constitution in all states. He says that he does not intend to use force on the South, but he would if it meant protecting the federal government that he had promised to uphold. He says that the Constitution goes on forever. He states that the Constitution is more than a small contract and that it couldn't be rescinded legally without an agreement between all of the states. Lincoln also states that he did not oppose the Corwin Amendment, which protected slavery in states that it already existed but allowed for each state to reject or accept it. Lincoln said that he would be willing to enforce the Fugitive

LAD/Blog #16: Gettysburg Address

Long ago the U.S. was built on a foundation that all men are created equal, but during the Civil War, that notion was tested. Part of the battlefield for the war has been sectioned off to serve as the final resting place for those who have died. Even though people won't remember what was said on that sectioned land, they will remember what happened. It is the duty of those who are still living to make the deaths of those who have died mattered. The new nation shall be reborn under God and the government of those people shall live on. In Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech instead of trying to unite the nation after the tragic loss of American lives he tries to unite the nation over the failure of the Constitution to be upheld where it states that "all men are created equal".

Blog #14: Calhoun's Speech on the Compromise of 1850

Calhoun begins by saying that he believes the issue debated about slavery will lead to the Union failing. He says that without a quick resolution the country will soon fall apart.Despite the fact that the Compromise of 1850 is trying to solve the problem, Calhoun is very opposed to it.He believes that the right solution is for the North and South to just separate peacefully. He also says that the Constitution allows for the South to own slaves. Despite his opposition to the Compromise, it was still passed by Congress. Daniel Webster thought differently from Calhoun in that although their was no way to eradicate slavery, but they could prevent it from spreading into new U.S. territories, as well as offering support to the Compromise.

LAD/Blog #13: Polk's War Message

Polk begins by telling how good relations with Mexico have failed as a result of an unwillingness of the Mexican government. He then explains that he asked the Mexican government under General Herrera if they would receive an envoy. He agreed and Polk sent John Slidell, who had the power to discuss the adjustment of borders. Soon after Slidell had arrived the government again changed hands. General Parades then rejected Slidell and he was forced to return to the U.S. without a resolution. Polk then goes on to defend sending troops down to Texas. Texas annexed into the U.S., which the U.S. accepted and therefor had to protect them. After many disagreements and debates about U.S. troops in Texas, Mexico showed hostility by killing or wounding 16 Americans. Polk uses this and other failed treaties to show how Mexico has wronged the U.S. Finally Polk says that Mexico has already declared war on the U.S. and that it is the duty of the government to act, by protecting it's country.

LAD/Blog #12: Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments

In the Declaration of Sentiments, women declare that although they have held a given position in the past they intend to speak up for their future.  As part of the family unit women have a God given right and their intent is to declare why they have been wronged.  Since men and woman are supposed created equal in the eyes of the law, the voting public has the right to vote representatives in the government that will correctly represent the will of the people. Although voting new  representatives into the government should not be done lightly, if the government does not represent the will of the people then there needs to be a change in government.  Through history men have created a tyranny over woman. For example, woman have no rights in government, no right to own property, no right to divorce, and taken away her independence.  Women finally feel that it is time for them to speak up about the injustices they face.  Although there will be a lot of work ahead they will ask for the help