PresidentsLAD/Blog #8: Washington's Farewell Address

George Washington began by telling all American citizens that he would not be running for another term as president and that this would be his final term. He says that he is tired and that he wants to relax. He also warns everyone of factions. He says that they don't allow the U.S to be fully united and that they will tear us apart. He also talks about how he believes that the U.S. should not engage with foreign countries, so that the U.S. gets caught up in a fight that it did not intend to be involved in. He also stressed the importance of religion, education and morality.

1. He warned not to let factions, political parties, control the government because they don't demonstrate a united front
2. He warned about the consequences of permanent long term alliances with other nations.
3. He stressed the importance of the system of checks and balances so that certain groups or individuals could gain all of the power.

Despite George Washington warning the U.S. of forming foreign alliances, as countries grew it became evident that a group  such as NATO could benefit all participating countries.


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