LAD #37: FDR's Executive Order 9066

The executive order 9066 was the order that made it allowed for the people in Home was a Horse Stall to be put in internment camps following the attack on Pearl Harbor. The order allowed for people of Japanese ancestry to be rounded up and put into internment camps, which was where they were forced to live in Home was a Horse Stall. The camps were where the people in Home was a Horse Stall made clubs and sports activities to keep active and distracted.
This executive order was an atrocity and a blatant use of authority by the President. The President had no grounds for this order and was straight up racist.
This executive order gave authority to the Secretary of War and military commanders.

Image result for executive order 9066

Image result for concentration camps
Both concentration camps and internment camps were leaders way of asserting control on the people that they were meant to protect and route out anyone that did not fit their stereotypical person.


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